Used in the back-end (FixPix Plugins)

Deoldify(github) by Jason Antic
GFPGAN(github) by ARC Lab, Tencent PCG
U-2 Net(github) by Xuebin Qin, Zichen Zhang, Chenyang Huang, Masood Dehghan, Osmar R. Zaiane and Martin Jagersand
AdaAttN(github) by Songhua Liu
Colorful Image Colorization(github) various sources
Fast Neural Style(github) by Abhishek Kadian
PyTorch CartoonGAN(github) by Yijun Li
PyTorch AnimeGAN2(github) by bryandlee

Used in the front-end (FixPix UI)

HyperList(github) by Tim Branyen
jQuery Modal(github) by Kyle Fox
bgCompare(github) by Stéphane Salomon
jQuery editable div(github) by Phitha Tanpairoj
jQuery fancyTable(github) by myspace-nu
CircularProgressBar(github) by Angelo Faella
Context menu(github) by CodoPixel
PanZoom(jquery) by Andrei Kashcha
jQuery mousewheel(jquery) by Brandon Aaron
jQuery photostack(github) by Hori Godai (steelydylan)